Tuesday, September 13, 2011

why it is hard to start a business

Economic has being exsit since the business start in this world. Economic can put  a strong country to reseccion;  also can help a developing country to be strong. However,  people are handling this, either good or bad, its happens all the time. hundreds of different companies have failed in 30 years.  These bankrupt business failures were notable in some way for either the size of the failed company or the unexpectedness of the insolvency. These are the notable corporate bombs of the last two decades. These companies could not last forever.

First of all, the manager could be not mature  enough to start his own business or doesnt have enough experience about start business.
second of all, the person should mind about the economic trend so the manager can make a better choice before the business breakrupt.

here are 2 example:

Technōs Japan's logo, featuring the "Kunio's Punch" animation 

Technōs Japan

computer and video game industry 

Initially operating from a single-room apartment, Technōs was founded in 1981 by three staff members of Data East. Their first game was Minky Monkey, released in 1982. At that time They even need helps from others companies for  pulished and distributed. However, the business was running good at beginning even got famous. but they didnt come up too much ideas on games since they had really successful  video game. in the rest of the games, they were just putting the same ideas on different names. By 1996, Technōs Japan declared bankruptcy and went out of business.Since Technōs Japan's closure, a company called Million has purchased the former intellectual properties of Technōs Japan and are producing new games based on them.


SyQuest Technology 

 now known as SYQT, Inc., was an early entrant into the removable hard disk market for personal computers. The company was started in 1982 by Syed Iftikar;For many years SyQuest was the most popular means of transferring large desktop publisher documents to printers. SyQuest marketed their products as able to give personal computer users "endless" hard drive space for data-intensive applications like desktop publishing, Internet information management, pre-press, multimedia, audio, video, digital photography, fast backup, data exchange and archiving, along with confidential data security and easy portability for the road.

Over the period 1995 to 1997 sales declined, resulting in a series of losses. In the first quarter of 1997 those losses had been reduced to $6.8 million with net revenues increasing to $48.3 million. 
SyQuest filed for bankruptcy in late 1998, and portions of the company were subsequently purchased by Iomega Corp. in January, 1999. SyQuest retained the rights to sell their remaining inventory, on condition of renaming themselves SYQT in order to continue operations. For several subsequent years, a Web site at www.SYQT.com sold disk drives and media, and provided software downloads in support of those products. As of January 22, 2009, that Web site ceased to exist.

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