Friday, December 16, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
childhood killer for your next generation
we are wondering what is ruining their pureness and talent ?
We are in 21 century, it is a great century,people are trying their best to provide wider services, same with commercial competitions.
Advertising are everywhere, on the streets, on the snack bags, on the Cartoon,even at school. since commercial organization found it is more easy to brain wash children mind rather than adult, the commercials have increased rapidly, on 1994 there were 4.2 billions of commercial for kids, on 2012 there would increase to 40 billions of commercial for kids.
with those advertisements even to babies, they are consuming parents to buy those product which can make their kids "smarter". Those companies are exploiting children's unknowing to shape their mind with advertisement like making mobile life as commercial to kids, and those video games which full of violent or beauty make up; to make children get addict to it and play out of childhood, children will not found any joy from nature world but only video game. Change kids' mind with "happy" related to junk foods.
In America, 16% of kids are overweight, because of their food chain are changed by those commercial around them everyday.
There is 4.7 million children have diagnose ADHS(attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder)

We are in 21 century, it is a great century,people are trying their best to provide wider services, same with commercial competitions.
Advertising are everywhere, on the streets, on the snack bags, on the Cartoon,even at school. since commercial organization found it is more easy to brain wash children mind rather than adult, the commercials have increased rapidly, on 1994 there were 4.2 billions of commercial for kids, on 2012 there would increase to 40 billions of commercial for kids.
with those advertisements even to babies, they are consuming parents to buy those product which can make their kids "smarter". Those companies are exploiting children's unknowing to shape their mind with advertisement like making mobile life as commercial to kids, and those video games which full of violent or beauty make up; to make children get addict to it and play out of childhood, children will not found any joy from nature world but only video game. Change kids' mind with "happy" related to junk foods.
In America, 16% of kids are overweight, because of their food chain are changed by those commercial around them everyday.
There is 4.7 million children have diagnose ADHS(attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder)

Sunday, December 11, 2011
PEST-you see how important is it to business
explain how these factors might affect your business.
1. environment regulation or consumer protection.
2. inflation
3. age of the population
4. increased automation.
Political and legal constraints
- Consumer protection Law: constrain businesses from advertising inaccurately or inappropriately, selling faulty goods or those described incorrectly, high pressure selling tactics, not allowing consumers to change their minds after signing credits agreements.
This law is here for protect the right for consumers, also it is for monitor business companies.
once customers found out they got cheat by some products, then it is the law to help they get justices.
once a company being found out cheating on their clients/ consumers, they will hardly to get some trust.
anyway, a business can not survive without any relationship with their consumers.
For example : some people likes to buy stuff online, on ebay, or alibaba. because it could be way much cheaper. But sometimes consumers dont realize that some online websites are giving the wrong information for misleading, after they ordered, and within 7days freeshipping, they might get a totally different products, or some products are not same quality as it suppose be. So they ask for refund, then they has to pay the shipping tax back to the orginal country. in the end, they got nothing but lossing money. because they didnt know how to protect their right! ( copy right from BBC)
also, it is bad for business, because that consumer will never buy anything from that business, also people around that consumer will not trust the business, then it start to lose profit.
- Inflation : the rate of change in the average level of prices.
Money loses purchasing power during inflationary periods since each unit of currency buys progressively fewer goods. As a international company, currency rate is really affect able for the total revenue of a company. When one of the currency drop or increase
Example : recently the currency euro has dropped rapidly, it has been a grand strike to some foreign trades like China. Before euro has drop, the rate between RBM and euro was 10:1. some trade companies can make profits between this little inflation. But now it is 8:1.euro dropping so much, that caused many Chinese factories and company closed down, because they are not easy to raise up the price to sell, either the product from factory in china are also getting expensive.

-Age of the population :with reduce birth rated and longer expectancy, although in some nations the average age is falling due to high birth rate.
it could affect a company by :
1. environment regulation or consumer protection.
2. inflation
3. age of the population
4. increased automation.
Political and legal constraints
- Consumer protection Law: constrain businesses from advertising inaccurately or inappropriately, selling faulty goods or those described incorrectly, high pressure selling tactics, not allowing consumers to change their minds after signing credits agreements.
This law is here for protect the right for consumers, also it is for monitor business companies.
once customers found out they got cheat by some products, then it is the law to help they get justices.
once a company being found out cheating on their clients/ consumers, they will hardly to get some trust.
anyway, a business can not survive without any relationship with their consumers.
For example : some people likes to buy stuff online, on ebay, or alibaba. because it could be way much cheaper. But sometimes consumers dont realize that some online websites are giving the wrong information for misleading, after they ordered, and within 7days freeshipping, they might get a totally different products, or some products are not same quality as it suppose be. So they ask for refund, then they has to pay the shipping tax back to the orginal country. in the end, they got nothing but lossing money. because they didnt know how to protect their right! ( copy right from BBC)
also, it is bad for business, because that consumer will never buy anything from that business, also people around that consumer will not trust the business, then it start to lose profit.
- Inflation : the rate of change in the average level of prices.
Money loses purchasing power during inflationary periods since each unit of currency buys progressively fewer goods. As a international company, currency rate is really affect able for the total revenue of a company. When one of the currency drop or increase
Example : recently the currency euro has dropped rapidly, it has been a grand strike to some foreign trades like China. Before euro has drop, the rate between RBM and euro was 10:1. some trade companies can make profits between this little inflation. But now it is 8:1.euro dropping so much, that caused many Chinese factories and company closed down, because they are not easy to raise up the price to sell, either the product from factory in china are also getting expensive.
-Age of the population :with reduce birth rated and longer expectancy, although in some nations the average age is falling due to high birth rate.
it could affect a company by :
- a larger proportion of the population over the age of retirement.
- a smaller proportion of the population in lower age ranges eg. 0-16 years
- it would cause a smaller number of workers in the economy but a larger number of dependants, that is below working age or retired
- Increased automation- technological change is affecting all businesses and all departments within business.
As the technology age coming by, the factory life has been changed totally.
products can be more effective produced.
its could be a good and bad thing for business.
first of all, company doesnt need much employee to do work because they machines, it also cost money to buy machines.
it can also affect the whole economy process. because once the tech get too useful, not much people will get jobs, then all folk in this world could be in a stress of looking for jobs. because not much company are hiring employees anymore.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
3 companies on their way of Ethic
1. Best ethical company
As in my reseach , i found out that ADIDAS is one of the best ethical companies in the world.
To become a zero-emission company, the adidas Group has overall environmental targets. These are focused on the year 2015. Some of the key ones are to:
2. processing ethical company
SHELL oil company
Shell received worldwide attention for their involvement om the unfair trial and execution .they save oil in the nothern sea . but now , Shell, a company with traditionally one of the worst reputations among environmental and social pressure groups, has made enormous effort to reinvent itself as a socially responsible business.
3. super awful bad company :
KFC(Kentucky Fried Chicken (restaurant chain)
As folks know that KFC's fried chicken wings are really delicious, and i personal also loved the chicken wings from KFC. But i am pretty sure that you guys would not want eat the chicken wings from KFC again after you read this sad narrative from those chicken from the KFC's farm.
The KFC suppliers cram these chicken into huge waste-filled fatories, breed and drug them to grow as big as they cant, and that caused those chicken cant even walk , and also oftenly break their wings and legs. The suppliers allowed the workers who work in the farm to torch chickens, they steped on the chicken and jumped on the chicken to kill them or they punch chickens on the cage, that why some chickens became cripple or break wings.
At slaughter, the bird's throats are slit and they are dropping into tanks of scalding- hot water --- often at that time, these chicken are still in CONSCIOUS!!!
However, KFC never takes any suggestion from the animal welfare advisers even they have asked the company to take steps to eliminate these abuses to Animal!!!!! ANYWAY KFC are shameless and malicious!!!
As in my reseach , i found out that ADIDAS is one of the best ethical companies in the world.
To become a zero-emission company, the adidas Group has overall environmental targets. These are focused on the year 2015. Some of the key ones are to:
- Cut our relative energy use by 20%
- Make a total relative cut of 30% in our carbon emissions by also sourcing green energy
- Reduce paper use by 50%, all on a per employee basis.
2. processing ethical company
SHELL oil company
Shell received worldwide attention for their involvement om the unfair trial and execution .they save oil in the nothern sea . but now , Shell, a company with traditionally one of the worst reputations among environmental and social pressure groups, has made enormous effort to reinvent itself as a socially responsible business.
3. super awful bad company :
KFC(Kentucky Fried Chicken (restaurant chain)
As folks know that KFC's fried chicken wings are really delicious, and i personal also loved the chicken wings from KFC. But i am pretty sure that you guys would not want eat the chicken wings from KFC again after you read this sad narrative from those chicken from the KFC's farm.
The KFC suppliers cram these chicken into huge waste-filled fatories, breed and drug them to grow as big as they cant, and that caused those chicken cant even walk , and also oftenly break their wings and legs. The suppliers allowed the workers who work in the farm to torch chickens, they steped on the chicken and jumped on the chicken to kill them or they punch chickens on the cage, that why some chickens became cripple or break wings.
At slaughter, the bird's throats are slit and they are dropping into tanks of scalding- hot water --- often at that time, these chicken are still in CONSCIOUS!!!
However, KFC never takes any suggestion from the animal welfare advisers even they have asked the company to take steps to eliminate these abuses to Animal!!!!! ANYWAY KFC are shameless and malicious!!!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
interview with an owner
during my IB business study, i complete an interview with an owner
i visited a married couple, who have being immigrated for 10 years.
they are running the business which belongs to Secondary sector.they have being running business since 5years ago. it is a long story to tell, they have being done so many kinds of business and jobs.
now, they are sole trader, and suppliers to shops. their job is exports commodities from China to Slovakia, and sell stocks to shops' owner, earning profits from between.
As i mentioned before, that they have been go through many different works, to found out the best one for them.
the reason they have choose to be sole trader was because- As the owner has full control and able to keep all profit.
although the good thing is the owner can keep all profit, however, there is still some risks in this type of business, for example, there are more international stock shops and more shopping mall has built up. it kills the amount of clients and the demand.
however, they have some great strengths, it is their experiences. they did so many kind of jobs, and they are really hard-working.
they make the profits between shops and suppliers.
i visited a married couple, who have being immigrated for 10 years.
they are running the business which belongs to Secondary sector.they have being running business since 5years ago. it is a long story to tell, they have being done so many kinds of business and jobs.
now, they are sole trader, and suppliers to shops. their job is exports commodities from China to Slovakia, and sell stocks to shops' owner, earning profits from between.
As i mentioned before, that they have been go through many different works, to found out the best one for them.
the reason they have choose to be sole trader was because- As the owner has full control and able to keep all profit.
although the good thing is the owner can keep all profit, however, there is still some risks in this type of business, for example, there are more international stock shops and more shopping mall has built up. it kills the amount of clients and the demand.
however, they have some great strengths, it is their experiences. they did so many kind of jobs, and they are really hard-working.
they make the profits between shops and suppliers.
- what type of market research did this require?
it is clothing market.
- what did you anticipate would be the greatest challenge?
i wont able to work so hard...and this business, we have to fly between original location and sellig location. the cost of it is the owner's health.
- do you have a mission statement?
they just earn enough money to make them happy, but not deficit
- explain the different objective for your business?
- were there any ethical considerations you had to make?
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
world business news 2nd of November
Germany warns Greece over rescue
the eruozone plan to save greece from bankruptcy is not up for renegotiation, Germany has warned, ahead of emergency talks with greece and france.
Greek PM George Papandreou is to meet France's Nicolas Sarkozy and Germany's Angela Merkel later on Thursday.
President Sarkozy had thought the priority would be presenting to the wider world a done deal for the Eurozone rescue and asking for active international support, particularly from China.
But instead, Mr Papandreou's move has left Mr Sarkozy, and German Chancellor Angela Merkel appalled by the uncertainty, and the damage already done, our correspondent says.
Mr Papandreou is expected to say that he had no choice: a referendum was vital to try to overcome resistance on the streets to deepening cuts - and a possible alternative of snap elections would risk Greece defaulting on its debt.
Furthermore, the Greek government faces a crucial confidence vote in parliament on Friday.
One MP from the governing Pasok party has resigned, cutting Mr Papandreou's parliamentary majority to two - and six other leading party members have called on him to resign.
The planned referendum threatens to unravel a deal reached at a EU summit last week aimed at resolving the euro debt crisis.
Leaders agreed on a 100bn-euro loan (£86bn; $140bn) to Athens and a 50% debt write-off.
But in return, Greece must make deep cuts in public spending, slashing pensions and wages and making thousands of civil servants redundant
the eruozone plan to save greece from bankruptcy is not up for renegotiation, Germany has warned, ahead of emergency talks with greece and france.
Greek PM George Papandreou is to meet France's Nicolas Sarkozy and Germany's Angela Merkel later on Thursday.
President Sarkozy had thought the priority would be presenting to the wider world a done deal for the Eurozone rescue and asking for active international support, particularly from China.
But instead, Mr Papandreou's move has left Mr Sarkozy, and German Chancellor Angela Merkel appalled by the uncertainty, and the damage already done, our correspondent says.
Mr Papandreou is expected to say that he had no choice: a referendum was vital to try to overcome resistance on the streets to deepening cuts - and a possible alternative of snap elections would risk Greece defaulting on its debt.
Furthermore, the Greek government faces a crucial confidence vote in parliament on Friday.
One MP from the governing Pasok party has resigned, cutting Mr Papandreou's parliamentary majority to two - and six other leading party members have called on him to resign.
The planned referendum threatens to unravel a deal reached at a EU summit last week aimed at resolving the euro debt crisis.
Leaders agreed on a 100bn-euro loan (£86bn; $140bn) to Athens and a 50% debt write-off.
But in return, Greece must make deep cuts in public spending, slashing pensions and wages and making thousands of civil servants redundant

Monday, October 17, 2011
world news in 17th of October
Apple wins battle to block Samsung tablets in Australia

Apple has accused Samsung of copying its touch-screen technology for its Galaxy Tab 10.1.
The two companies are embroiled in legal battles in 9 countries.
Samsung is one of Apple's biggest challengers in the smartphone and tablet industry.
The decision by the federal court threatens to hurt Samsung's position in the Australian market, as it could miss the lucrative Christmas season.
The two companies have been locked in patent disputes since April, with each accusing the other of infringing patents.
Apple has already won a victory in Germany, Europe's biggest economy, banning the sale of the Galaxy Tab 10.1. An appeal hearing is expected in that case.
Last week, Samsung said it would try to stop the sale of Apple's iPhone 4S in France and Italy, accusing the company of infringing 3G transmission patents.

An Australian court has temporarily banned the sale of Samsung Electronics' tablet computer in Australia, a victory for Apple in its global patent dispute with the South Korean company.
The two companies are embroiled in legal battles in 9 countries.
Samsung is one of Apple's biggest challengers in the smartphone and tablet industry.
The decision by the federal court threatens to hurt Samsung's position in the Australian market, as it could miss the lucrative Christmas season.
The two companies have been locked in patent disputes since April, with each accusing the other of infringing patents.
Apple has already won a victory in Germany, Europe's biggest economy, banning the sale of the Galaxy Tab 10.1. An appeal hearing is expected in that case.
Last week, Samsung said it would try to stop the sale of Apple's iPhone 4S in France and Italy, accusing the company of infringing 3G transmission patents.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Slovak news 10th of October
FOUR out of five businessmen in Slovakia believe that the move to the euro was a good step. This was the result of a survey of 130 businessmen by the Business Alliance of Slovakia, the head of the alliance, Róbert Kičina, announced. Slovakia marked 1000 days with the euro on September 28.
“Businessmen regard the process of transferring to the euro to have been smooth and effective,” said Kičina, adding that concerns that the changeover would be abused to increase prices excessively were not borne out, because inflation increased by 1.6 percent in 2009 and by only 1 percent in 2010.
Up to 81 percent of respondents considered the single currency positive since it brought greater currency stability, lower transaction expenses, and easier cross-border trade. Only 10 percent of respondents said that they disagreed with the euro as Slovakia’s currency, with most of them citing the current uncertain situation in the wider eurozone.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Business news on 7th of October
Samsung issues better-than-expected profit forecast

Samsung said it expected an operating profit of 4.2tn won ($3.5bn; £2.3bn) a 14% dip from a year earlier, but better than market projections of 3.5tn won.
Compared with the previous quarter, the projected profit is up 12%.
Samsung is the world's second-largest maker of mobile phones.
"Its telecommunications business is seen very positive as shipments of smartphones and other high-end handsets expanded," said Park Jong-Min of ING Investment Management.
Advantage Samsung?Continue reading the main story
“Start Quote
Kim Young-ChanShinhan Investment CorpThe weakening won may have inflated third-quarter profits”
Analysts said they expected Samsung's handset business to keep growing robustly, not least due to the Apple's decision to upgrade its existing model of iPhone4 with new features and technology, rather than launch a new version.
Apple had been expected to launch an iPhone5 at a media event held earlier this week.
"Given Apple's relatively unchanged new iPhone, Samsung will have the opportunity to eat into Apple's market share with its hardware build-up and growing software power until next year," said Jang In-Beom of Bookook Securities.
Samsung has also been growing its presence in the tablet PC market.
Last month the Korean electronics manufacturer announced that sales of the Samsung GALAXY S II had crossed the 10 million mark, doubling from five million in just eight weeks.
'Major risk'Despite the optimism about the growth potential of its handset business, analysts said that external factors remain a big threat to the company in the short to medium-term.
There have been concerns that a slowdown in the US coupled with the ongoing debt crisis in Europe may hurt global growth and dent consumer demand.
"The macroeconomic situation will remain a major risk for Samsung in the fourth quarter," said Ahn Seong-Ho of Hanwha Securities.
At the same time, there are fears that volatility in the currency markets may also have a bearing on its earnings.
The Korean won has fallen as much as 10% against the US dollar since the start of July.
A weaker won makes Korean goods cheaper for foreign buyers.
"The weakening won may have inflated third-quarter profits," said Kim Young-Chan of Shinhan Investment Corp.
However, Mr Kim added the exchange rate remained a threat to Samsung as any recovery in the won would have a counter effect.
Friday, October 7, 2011
the mission statement
1.Express Scripts
Express Scripts is a pharmacy benefits management company in St. Louis, Missouri, whose aim is to enable prescription drugs become more available, cheaper and safer to consumers. Express Scripts processes pharmaceutical transactions faster and more efficiently than regular pharmacies, with the added online technology giving consumers more benefits and advantages.
Express Scripts is a pharmacy benefits management company in St. Louis, Missouri, whose aim is to enable prescription drugs become more available, cheaper and safer to consumers. Express Scripts processes pharmaceutical transactions faster and more efficiently than regular pharmacies, with the added online technology giving consumers more benefits and advantages.
it provide better prices of medicines, and the best thing about it is, Express Scripts processes pharmaceutical transactions faster and more efficiently than regular pharmacies, and added online technology.
it is a business around pharmacy benefits management company.
the special detail it has provide is Express Scripts processes pharmaceutical transactions faster and more efficiently than regular pharmacies, and added online technology.
it may lead pharmacy business to internet shops as well. or people can ask questions about medicine online.
2. family dollar store
The Family Dollar Store-- a dollar store that provides available and conveniently low prices to consumers, with 5,900 stores in 44 states. Majority of its market are families with income brackets of around $25,000 a year.
it provide cheaper and valuable products, and it is big company so concumers can trust it.this market is provide for people who doesnt have high salary, and cant afford expensive thing.
it is a regular market, majority of its market are families without high income.
it tells up that the specific group they are providing for.
i dont see any vision provide in future.
3 Auto-Owners Insurance
Auto-Owners Insurance is one of the biggest insurance companies in the US that aspires to give only the best quality service. In addition to vehicle insurance, Auto-Owners also offers other products such as universal and whole life, homeowners, and long-term care insurance through its two subsidiaries, Home-Owners Insurance Company and Property-Owners Insurance Company.
Auto-Owners Insurance is one of the biggest insurance companies in the US that aspires to give only the best quality service. In addition to vehicle insurance, Auto-Owners also offers other products such as universal and whole life, homeowners, and long-term care insurance through its two subsidiaries, Home-Owners Insurance Company and Property-Owners Insurance Company.
only this company can provide the best quality service in US.
it is a car insurane company.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Business news on 1st of October
Nokia to cut another 3,500 jobs and close a factory
Mobile phone giant Nokia is to cut 3,500 jobs and close a plant in Romania as part of its restructuring plan.
Nokia said it would shut its plant in Cluj, Romania, and cut jobs in its location division, whose products include maps for mobile phones.(about end of 2011)
"Nokia plans to close its manufacturing facilities in Cluj, Romania, by the end of 2011... and plans to close its (locations and commerce development) operations in Bonn, Germany and Malvern, US," by the end of next year
Nokia's statement said the company would look to "focus its feature phone manufacturing on those locations with optimal proximity to suppliers and key markets".
Some analysts interpreted this as a signal that Nokia could shift manufacturing to Asia.
The firm made a net loss of 368m euros ($521m; £323m) in the three months to the end of June, compared with a profit of 227m euros a year earlier. Net sales fell by 7% to 9.3bn euros.
Nokia has lost ground to competitors such as Apple's iPhone and phones using Google's Android operating system.
Earlier this year, Nokia announced 7,000 job cuts worldwide - with 3,000 of the posts being transferred to consultancy group Accenture - as part of strategy to focus on smartphones.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
type of business organization
1. Non-Government Organization - A legally constituted body with no participation or representation of any government. * Often, charitable organization involved in development health and humanitarian issues ( disaster or poverty relief) * may support or add to government work being done in same area.
For example :
is a NGO, and their goal is to "ensure the ability of the Earth to nurture life in all its diversity "
2. Public Corporation - A business enterprise owned and controlled by the state, also know as nationalize industry.
managed with social objective may lead to inefficiency due to lack of profit target.
subsidies from government allow loss=making services to be kept operating if social benefit is greart enough.
finance comes from government so is open to political.
it The Dutch East India Company was a chartered company established in 1602, was a public company. when the States-General of the Netherlands granted it a 21-year monopoly to carry out colonial activities in Asia.
3, Non-profit Organization - is an organization that does not issue stock shares or distribute its surplus funds to owners or shareholders, but instead uses the funds to help achieve its goals.
Examples of NPOs include charities,
trade unions, trade associations
and public arts organizations
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (B&MGF or the Gates Foundation) is the largest transparently operated, private foundation in the world, founded by Bill and Melinda Gates. It is "driven by the interests and passions of the Gates family"
4. private limited company
The British Medical Association (BMA) is the professional association and registered trade union for doctors in the United Kingdom. The association does not regulate or certify doctors, a responsibility which lies with the General Medical Council.
7. social enterprise : A social enterprise is an organization that applies capitalistic strategies to achieving philanthropic goals. Social enterprises can be structured as a for-profit or non-profit.
8. public private : Public–private partnership (PPP) describes a government service or private business venture which is funded and operated through a partnership of government and one or more private sectorcompanies. These schemes are sometimes referred to as PPP, P3 or P3.
For example :

2. Public Corporation - A business enterprise owned and controlled by the state, also know as nationalize industry.
managed with social objective may lead to inefficiency due to lack of profit target.
subsidies from government allow loss=making services to be kept operating if social benefit is greart enough.
finance comes from government so is open to political.

3, Non-profit Organization - is an organization that does not issue stock shares or distribute its surplus funds to owners or shareholders, but instead uses the funds to help achieve its goals.
Examples of NPOs include charities,
trade unions, trade associations
and public arts organizations

4. private limited company
- private company limited by guarantee : A company that does not have share capital, but is guaranteed by its members who agree to pay a fixed amount in the event of the company's liquidation.
- private company limited by shares: A company controlled by shareholders.
5. public limited company - is a limited liability company that sells shares to the public in United Kingdom company law, in the Republic of Ireland and Commonwealth jurisdictions
6. pressures group: Advocacy groups (also pressure groups, lobby groups and some interest groups and special interest groups) use various forms of advocacy to influence public opinion and/or policy; they have played and continue to play an important part in the development of political and social systems.

7. social enterprise : A social enterprise is an organization that applies capitalistic strategies to achieving philanthropic goals. Social enterprises can be structured as a for-profit or non-profit.
8. public private : Public–private partnership (PPP) describes a government service or private business venture which is funded and operated through a partnership of government and one or more private sectorcompanies. These schemes are sometimes referred to as PPP, P3 or P3.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
why it is hard to start a business
Economic has being exsit since the business start in this world. Economic can put a strong country to reseccion; also can help a developing country to be strong. However, people are handling this, either good or bad, its happens all the time. hundreds of different companies have failed in 30 years. These bankrupt business failures were notable in some way for either the size of the failed company or the unexpectedness of the insolvency. These are the notable corporate bombs of the last two decades. These companies could not last forever.
First of all, the manager could be not mature enough to start his own business or doesnt have enough experience about start business.
second of all, the person should mind about the economic trend so the manager can make a better choice before the business breakrupt.
here are 2 example:

now known as SYQT, Inc., was an early entrant into the removable hard disk market for personal computers. The company was started in 1982 by Syed Iftikar;For many years SyQuest was the most popular means of transferring large desktop publisher documents to printers. SyQuest marketed their products as able to give personal computer users "endless" hard drive space for data-intensive applications like desktop publishing, Internet information management, pre-press, multimedia, audio, video, digital photography, fast backup, data exchange and archiving, along with confidential data security and easy portability for the road.
First of all, the manager could be not mature enough to start his own business or doesnt have enough experience about start business.
second of all, the person should mind about the economic trend so the manager can make a better choice before the business breakrupt.
here are 2 example:

Technōs Japan
computer and video game industryInitially operating from a single-room apartment, Technōs was founded in 1981 by three staff members of Data East. Their first game was Minky Monkey, released in 1982. At that time They even need helps from others companies for pulished and distributed. However, the business was running good at beginning even got famous. but they didnt come up too much ideas on games since they had really successful video game. in the rest of the games, they were just putting the same ideas on different names. By 1996, Technōs Japan declared bankruptcy and went out of business.Since Technōs Japan's closure, a company called Million has purchased the former intellectual properties of Technōs Japan and are producing new games based on them.
SyQuest Technology

Over the period 1995 to 1997 sales declined, resulting in a series of losses. In the first quarter of 1997 those losses had been reduced to $6.8 million with net revenues increasing to $48.3 million.
SyQuest filed for bankruptcy in late 1998, and portions of the company were subsequently purchased by Iomega Corp. in January, 1999. SyQuest retained the rights to sell their remaining inventory, on condition of renaming themselves SYQT in order to continue operations. For several subsequent years, a Web site at sold disk drives and media, and provided software downloads in support of those products. As of January 22, 2009, that Web site ceased to exist.
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